This fortnight, our home education was quite challenging. Ahna got attacked by wasps, I discovered an iron deficiency in myself and Hope is growing 6 teeth! Our dependency on God grew through every challenge and I’m praising Him for mercies anew.
Hymn study-
I realized I have not been blogging about the hymns we have been singing. This month, we are fittingly doing ‘His mercy is more’. We focus our conversations and singing on the hymn of the month once or twice a week.
Reading and phonics-
Even though while gathering the pictures for this blog, it seemed like we read quite a bit this week, in the regular, it was a week of weak reading. Our days were full of setting up our terrace garden for the next growing season with new soil and grow bags.
We did read about Gods creation and continued differentiating between things made by God and man and Ahna asked an interesting question about compost being made by God or man. It led us to a thought provoking discussion about Gods sovereignty over all things. Ahna has started reading letters fairly confidently and independently. She can sound them out well and knows most of them (x,y,e,u are the exceptions)
We did a short mini unit on impressions we leave on others and how children are also known by their deeds. This is all an extension of undoing some undesirable learning that happened over the holiday. We made prints with stones and leaves and saw how the impressions looked different and connected that to foot prints and paw prints.
We read a couple books in hindi and she is getting better with her pronunciation of unheard words.
Nature study/ Science-
Gardening gave us so many new opportunities these past 2 weeks. Ahna is now able to differentiate between compost and soil based on texture and colour! She ca differentiate between centipedes and earthworms and she loves earthworms now. She is excited to find them and is warming up with holding them. She did get stung by wasps while gardening so we had to do a unit on wasps and stings and their homes. We also saw some beautiful flowers, bugs and termite homes on a nature walk. We started our home garden compost system and have been studying flowers and their different parts. It helps to be able to eat the okra flowers every few days and we made some rose water for her bedtime routine! On one of our nature walks, Ahna spotted a butterfly wing and we brought it home to observe the patterns and locate the kind in our butterfly guide.
We made and completed patterns with different objects and observed them. We painted into our art books and did Van Goghs starry night for picture study. Ahna made some good observations and reminded me not to limit her academic exposure based on my own understanding of her abilities.
Ahna did her first outdoor learning class! We enrolled her for a pottery class as part of her extra curricular activities this year. She had a great time even though she was the youngest there. It was at a farm so as a bonus, I bought a couple vegetable saplings too!
We made a doll house using cardboard, which is being used more as a dog house.
Macrame planter- I had not practiced making anything with macrame in the past few months so getting a few clippings from my maternal grandmothers plant was a good reason to go back to learning a new design. This was a fairly simple one, deliberately chosen so that Ahna could work on the project with me.
I also got to observe and learn a little bit of carpentry from some of my husbands friends. They built a temporary railing extension for a terrace space on our building. Hoping to set up some new grow bags on there this year for more produce.
What a full couple of weeks we have had! I am looking forward to a restful weekend and new learning opportunities in our home education in the days to come.